The knife is useful during outdoor activities as well as well any need a housewife may have for a knife in the kitchen. More importantly, with the help of a good folding knife any person can make sandwiches, prepare other meals, and even open canned food. It’s a great outdoor recreation tool, particularly fishing; from cleaning a fish to retrieving the hook and especially useful for repairing camping equipment. Therefore, be sure to take a good knife with you going on a picnic, hunting, and hiking. Ganzo high quality folding knife will not let down its owner at that crucial time when needed most. It will retail its sharp cutting edge for a long time, can be unfolded and fastened securely in position and be ready for intensive use. Ganzo knives have all these qualities.
From any close inspection of our Ganzo knives it will be quickly obvious just how much attention the manufacturer has paid to the assembly of these products. Our precision-built knives do not have gaps; the blades smoothly enter the grooves of the handle during closing and design of each model meets completely the modern trends. The sizes of knives, offered by this Chinese company, are compact to be convenient to carry them in the pocket. However, every knife is highly functional and practical. Ganzo knives are popular among tourists, fishermen, mountain climbers, hunters and all enthusiasts who love the outdoors.
Undoubtedly, the main part of the knife is its blade. For blade production Ganzo uses high-quality stainless steel such as 440, 420С, 4116. This metal is characterized by high hardness due to the high carbon composition, and, therefore, the blades do not require special maintenance and do not require frequent sharpening. Among the produced models there are knives with the blade of straight and semi-serrated sharpening which is equally efficient compared with conventional, fiber materials. Customers can select the form and style of the blade according to personal preference. In the brand range there are standard knives with blades of polished metal color, knives with etching, and models with a dark anti-glare coating. The latter are particularly popular among hunters because they do not reflect light and so do not frighten animals.
Engineers at the Ganzo Company have also paid a lot attention to handle design. It can be made of metal or with straps from durable plastic. But anyway, the handle is ergonomically shaped which fits comfortably in the hand. As for color, any customer may find an option that suits his taste. Ganzo knives can be bright and clearly visible in the grass or among rocks, restrained classic colors, camouflage, or many others to choose from.
The Ganzo company has been in production for over 20 years. Knives produced by Ganzo became popular in various countries far beyond China. They are well-known and bought in the USA, Germany, France, Spain, Australia and New Zealand. The company has received more than one hundred national patents on the technology used in the production of its knives. And the achievements of other international companies are also actively used. As a result, Ganzo knives became the tools that combine reliability, practicality, modern shape, quality materials and optimal cost.