Multi-tools are often called a “pocket box with tools”. And this is completely true considering how many functions can be performed by this small tool. Therefore, multi-tools are very popular among cyclists, tourists and travellers. Not taking up much space among other equipment, they will help fix almost anything and in any environment, from the city to the extreme outdoors, such as in the mountains.
In some cases, the multi-tool is the only thing a person may rely on when faced with some kind of mechanical breakdown while away from the facilities of town. The Ganzo Company depends very much on the high quality of its multi-tools. Each of them is made from the most reliable of materials: stainless steel 440C, 420C, 4116. Moreover, tools and multi-tool handles are made of metal. The basic component of each Ganzo multi-tool is pliers with hollow handles with other tools inside. Their number as well as the set could be different depending on the purpose of the multi-tool. For example, Ganzo G301 in one body combines 26 tools among which there are spring-loaded pliers with wire cutters, normal and serrated knives, canned food opener, scissors, saw, a set of replaceable screwdriver bits, etc. Almost equal in functionality is Ganzo G202B, which boasts 25 features.
Both indicated models belong to full-size tools. Such multi-tools are easy to hold in the hand and are recommended for bicycle repair; keep one in the glove compartment just in case. If every ounce of your equipment is important to you, you may buy Ganzo micro-tool which is a compact option that includes all main tools. Such models are Ganzo G104S, Ganzo G2019S. Optionally, they can be worn even as a key-holder.
A special feature of Ganzo multi-tool is that some of the models offer the possibility to replace cutting pliers that have become worn out. This is particularly useful when the user often operates with solid materials which can damage the cutting edge of the cutting pliers. Low-cost straps for pliers help the owner avoid considerable expenses for the purchase of new a multi-tool, by continuing to use the existing one.
The Ganzo Company have been producing different multi-tool models for over 20 years. During this time, the brand has registered more than one hundred national patents for technologies and inventions that increase the functionality and durability of these instruments, making them more comfortable and practical. Ganzo multi-tools are low maintenance – they just need to be kept clean. They differ from similar models of other well-known companies by retailing at very competitive prices. These and other factors led to the fact that the Ganzo multi-tool is rapidly gaining popularity in Asia, Europe and America. In the US, they even became part of the equipment of special forces officers. You can buy them in our country as well.