F750 Firebird Folding Knife

Write reviews of knives Ganzo is becoming increasingly difficult - materials with already known properties, proven technology. Nevertheless, manufacturers find certain distinctive qualities for each model, which make it more interesting in comparison with the rest.

Firebird series of knives got new screws with blue anodizing. This series has a higher quality control - this is the impression everyone will have after working with the F750 knife. F750 model has usual for a folding knife dimensions, the big clip which can be rearranged on other side of a handle. On each side of the handle there are 3 light-insulating inserts.

The knife lies in the hand perfectly. The cutting of the knife is normal, reduction is 0.5 mm (standard indicator for all Ganzos). Blade is razor sharp: the paper cuts in the air :)

Model F750 has good quality of production, nice design. Great for its price!


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